Faster tree-seq in Clojure with transducers

Faster tree-seq in Clojure with transducers

The tree-seq is one of my favourite functions in Clojure. It can be used to lazily iterate in any tree-like data structure in a depth-first order. The definition of the function goes something like this:

(defn tree-seq [branch? children root]
  ((fn walk [node]
      (cons node
            (when (branch? node)
              (mapcat walk (children node)))))) root))

Let’s create a big tree and see how it works. Quickly create an n-ary tree of height h where n=4 and h=10.

(defn ntree [n h]
  (nth (iterate (partial repeat n) :leaf) h))

(def deep-tree (ntree 4 10))

How does such a tree look like? Calling (ntree 2 3) gives (((:leaf :leaf) (:leaf :leaf)) ((:leaf :leaf) (:leaf :leaf))) and calling (ntree 3 2) gives ((:leaf :leaf :leaf) (:leaf :leaf :leaf) (:leaf :leaf :leaf)).

Of course, (ntree 4 10) is much bigger. To see how much, run tree-seq, then count all nodes and also see how long it was running:

(->> deep-tree
     (tree-seq coll? seq)
     (println "All node count"))
; user=> "Elapsed time: 1125.355003 msecs"
; All node count 1398101

The result sounds correct, given the number of nodes equals N=(n^(h+1)-1)/(n-1). However, the performance could be improved, so lets do a rewrite with transducers. First of all, we need a function that will reduce a tree node with rf if it is a branch, and just skip it otherwise.

#_ ;; pseudocode, will not compile
(defn reduce-node [rf a x]
  (if (branch? x)
    (reduce rf a (children x))

Then comes the actual transducer: for each element in the collection, try to recursively further reduce it.

#_ ;; pseudocode, will not compile
(defn xf [rf]
  (fn inner
    ([]    (rf))
    ([x]   (rf x))
    ([a x] (reduce-node inner (rf a x) x))))

We are also going to utilize the preserving-reduced trick from clojure/core.clj. It helps make sure that a reduced value stays reduced even when passed through a chain of reduce functions. So the actual xf function is closer to something like this:

#_ ;; pseudocode, will not compile
(defn- preserve-reduced [rf]
  (fn [a b]
    (let [r (rf a b)]
      (if (reduced? r)
        (reduced r)

#_ ;; pseudocode, will not compile
(defn xf [rf]
  (fn inner
    ([]    (rf))
    ([x]   (rf x))
    ([a x] (reduce-node (preserve-reduced inner) (rf a x) x))))

Of course it will not compile, because branch? and children are undefined. To resolve this, we assemble it into a single letfn form to give it some function and supply the missing functions as arguments:

(defn tree-transducer [branch? children]
  (fn [rf]
    (letfn [(step [a x]
              (if (branch? x)
                (reduce preserve-reduced a (children x))
              ([]    (rf))
              ([x]   (rf x))
              ([a x] (step (rf a x) x)))
            (preserve-reduced [a b]
              (let [result (inner a b)]
                (if (reduced? result)
                  (reduced result)

We have a transducer now and we can use it to build an eduction:

(defn tree-eduction [branch? children root]
  (eduction (tree-transducer branch? children) [root]))

Testing it yields:

(->> deep-tree
     (tree-eduction coll? seq)
     (println "All node count with tree-eduction:")
; All node count with tree-eduction: 1398101
; "Elapsed time: 54.186769 msecs"


We can reuse the transducer to reimplement flatten as a transducer. Test it with a small expression counting the number of leaves in the tree. First, with just flatten for a baseline:

(->> deep-tree
     (println "Count of leaves with flatten:")
; Count of leaves with flatten: 1048576
; "Elapsed time: 1128.76338 msecs"

The same calculation with transducers yields:

(defn flatten-transducer []
  (comp (tree-transducer sequential? seq)
        (remove sequential?)))

(->> deep-tree
     (transduce (comp (flatten-transducer)
                      (map (constantly 1)))
                + 0)
     (println "Count of leaves with flatten-transducer:")
; Count of leaves with flatten-transducer: 1048576
; "Elapsed time: 76.234496 msecs"


We gained a bit of a speedup by getting rid of temporary object allocations. However, the new approach does not differ only by implementation. Like usually with engineering, a tradeoff was made: This new function returns an eduction instead of a sequence. To highlight the main differences:

  • An eduction is not a collection. Calling coll? will return false.
  • As shown in the code, we cannot call count on it without first converting it to a collection. Calling vec on it will reduce it into a vector.
  • The result of eduction is not caching. Calling seq on it (or reducing it, for example, into a vector) will evaluate the whole thing again and again every time and allocate a new sequence.

Keeping the differences in mind, I still sometimes optimize out parts of code to use reducers and eductions, which often proves to be a low-hanging fruit.