Vega-Lite charts with Clojure and GraalJs

Vega-Lite charts with Clojure and GraalJS

For a recent side project I needed a charting tool I could operate on the server-side. I initially used gnuplot which was really nice but had some limitations (for example, making plots clickable) and found the DSL somewhat complex. Then I discovered Vega and Vega-Lite and I really liked the elegant style and flexibility. But since these libraries are written in Javascript to be used in the frontend, I had to find a way to be able to integrate them in my backend-heavy Clojure application. This limitation led me to use a Clojure -> GraalJS -> Javascript interop approach to generate charts from the backend.


I got a hand on the Javascript files by just copying them from the node packages directly into the resources folder:

$ npm install vega vega-lite
$ cp node_modules/vega-lite/build/vega-lite.js resources/vega-lite.js
$ cp node_modules/vega/build/vega.js resources/vega.js

Next, here is a snipped of the contents of what deps.edn looked like. The configuration should be similar with other build systems also.

{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0-alpha10"}
        org.graalvm.js/js   {:mvn/version "23.0.4"}}
 :paths ["src" "resources"]
 :aliases {:run {:exec-fn core/-main}}}

For simplicity, all the code in the next steps should go to just a core.clj source file.

Calling GraalJs

To create the environment to run Javascript, we need a Context object that is going to hold the active value bindings:

(defonce context
  (-> (org.graalvm.polyglot.Context/newBuilder (into-array String []))
      (.allowAllAccess true)

With the context established, we can define a function to evaluate Javascript code:

(defn- js-eval [source] (.eval context "js" (str source)))


I found that the Javascript runtime provided by GraalJs lacks some features, but we can easily implement what we need:

  1. Structured clone: The window.structuredClone is missing but we can define a simple implementation:
    (js-eval "function structuredClone(a) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a)) }")
  2. Converting Clojure data: And we need an utility to recursively convert Clojure data structures to Javascript-compatible types:
(defn- javascriptify1 [x]
  (cond (map? x) (org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.ProxyObject/fromMap x)
        (map-entry? x) x
        (keyword? x) (name x)
        (sequential? x) (org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.ProxyArray/fromList (vec x))
        :else x))

(defn edn->js [data]
  (clojure.walk/postwalk javascriptify1 data))
  1. Callbacks: We need a way to handle Clojure functions as Javasript callbacks. It can be done by implementing the Consumer interface.
    (defn- callback [f]
      (reify java.util.function.Consumer
     (accept [_ x] (f x))))
  2. Timeouts: The window.setTimeout function is currently missing in GraalJs, so we will have to implement it ourserves.

Integrating Vega and Vega-Lite

We can go ahead with loading the Vega and Vega-Lite libraries into the context.

(js-eval (slurp ( "vega.min.js")))
(js-eval (slurp ( "vega-lite.min.js")))

The .toSVG() call return a Promise, which can be tricky to implement in Clojure. Instead, I defined a wrapper function to handle callbacks. This function takes three arguments: it parses and renders the Vega-Lite definition provided in the first parameter and calls the function passed in the success parameter with the rendered SVG image, while calling the reject parameter on error.

(def js-render-fn
  (js-eval "(function(input, success, reject) {
               const vegaSpec = vegaLite.compile(input, {}).spec;
               new vega.View(vega.parse(vegaSpec)).toSVG().then(success, reject);           

Additionally, Vega relies on .setTimeout calls in its resource loader. This mechanism is also invoked when using hyperlinks in the marks, a feature I intend to use.

To work around this, let’s simulate setTimeout() calls. Since actual timing is not required for this use case, the new implementation just registers the callback functions to a list that then can be executed sequentially. This is done in a helper something function:

(defn with-set-timeouts [f]
  (js-eval "globalThis.tasks = []; function setTimeout(f) { globalThis.tasks.push(f); }")
  (let [result (f)]
    (js-eval "while(globalThis.tasks.length > 0) { globalThis.tasks.pop()() }"))

This approach is taining the previously defined context, and is therefore not therad safe. Ideally, every thread should operate within its own context. For now, synchronizing the calls on the same monitor ensures the calls remain serializable.

(defn render-fn [data]
  (let [data       (edn->js data)
        result     (promise)
        on-success (callback result)
        on-error   (callback (fn [e]
                               (println :error (pr-str e))
                               (result (format "<H1>ERROR</H1><BR/><PRE>%s</PRE>" (pr-str e)))))]
    (locking ::render-plot
      (with-set-timeouts (fn [] (.execute js-render-fn (object-array [data on-success on-error]))))
      (deref result))))

Testing the implementation

To test the above code, the following example Vega-Lite definition can be used:

(def data
  {:$schema "",
   :description "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
   :data {:values [{"a" "A", "b" 28}, {"a" "B", "b" 55}, {"a" "C", "b" 43},
                   {"a" "D", "b" 91}, {"a" "E", "b" 81}, {"a" "F", "b" 53},
                   {"a" "G", "b" 19}, {"a" "H", "b" 87}, {"a" "I", "b" 52}]},
   :mark "bar",
   :encoding {:x {:field "a", :type "nominal", :axis {:labelAngle 0}},
              :y {:field "b", :type "quantitative"}
              :href {:field "b"}}})

(println (render-fn data))

This will print the SVG chart to the standard output.